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for our fiscal year June 1, 2023 - May 31, 2024




Community Partners ($10,000 - $49,000)

Stephen and Mary Birch Foundation

Mary Jane and Andy Cooper

The Friese Foundation 

Wayne Greenspan

Christina L. Jaskiewicz

John and Gail Ueberroth Family Foundation

We Benefit Children


Platinum Sponsors ($3,000 - $9,999)

Auer Family Foundation

Matthew and Miho Blumkin Foundation

Calabasas Golf and Country Club - Gene Axelrod

Joanah and Robb Greenspan

Arthur and Paula Connolly

Muskin Family Foundation

The National Mah Jongg League, Inc.

The Simon-Strauss Foundation

Gold Sponsors ($1,000 - $2,999)

Vicki Davis

Harmon Family Trust

Emily and Howard Kreshek

LA Trial Lawyers Charities

Nancy and Steven Levitt

Jean Nancy Piekunka

Porter Valley Ladies Gold Auxilliary 

Anthony and Mary Riccard

Anna Romano

The Symonds Foundation

Silver Sponsors ($500 - $999)

Silvia Baker

Lynette and Jeffrey Bargman

Patricia and Michael Bielonko

Janne Burdick

Calabasas Country Club Women's Golf

Chris R. Deetz

Leslie and Scott Eisner

Susan and Marshall Lloyd

Kathryn and Ronald L. Merriman

Lianne and David Noddle 

Dana and Thomas Riccard

Jose Rodriguez

Soni Wright

Bronze Sponsors ($250- $499)

Janet Bray

Ilyce and Biff Dawes

Juliet and Jonathan Felton

Byron Hayes, Jr

Kenney Family Trust

Betty and Robert Koondel

Kroger (Ralphs)

William Kyle and Associates

Michelle and William Larwood

Barbara and Michael Lockwood

Sherry and Irvin Lucks

Marcia O'Hearn

Kathleen Pettit

Gayle and Chuck Pick

Sandra and William Rake 

Marsha and Barry Reardon

Jill and Dan Schecter

Janet and Ira Shuman 

Anne Tichnor

We also acknowledge all the Patrons and Friends (Up to $249) who have made contributions to Centre Clothes Corner and Choral Music.  This list can be found on our published Annual Report.


The Volunteer League of the San Fernando Valley is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt non profit organization,



`Ph: (818) 785-4134

© Copyright 2014 The Volunteer League of the San Fernando Valley, all rights reserved 

14603 Hamlin Street
Van Nuys, California 91411

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